Sunday, October 24, 2010

Which is best to use, tampon or sanitary towel(napkin)?

I have other used tampons ever since I got my first extent at age 13. However, I switched to a menstrual cup recently because it's in good health, has no risk of TSS, better for the environment, have more reliable protection, and because it's cheaper in the long run. I used to be in motion through a multi-pack box of tampons every month that costed $10 per box and the menstrual cup costed me $36 dollars and I've been using it for 7 months so far! I would've spent $70 bucks on tampons for times gone by 7 months, but now that I enjoy my DivaCup I'll never have to dissipate my money on something I'll stick up my vajayjay and throw away ever again! In this age of green eco-friendly products, I think that a menstrual cup is the track to go! Seriously, next to all of it's benefits - what do you own to lose? Best of luck!
Being a not sure why you'd wanna personal opinion is that a tampon is better...feel cleaner and you can leave it for up to 8 hours

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