Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When I rouse contained by the hours of darkness and morning next to a full bladder it hurts is that regular? It make me verbs.?

If you have wakened and your bladder is full and the stomach-ache is caused by the pressure of need to urinate, then yes it is fairly normal. By that I suggest the pain of the pressure of the full bladder. Usually a full bladder will waken you since it gets to the really scratchy pressure stage though. If the pain you are referring to is a burning when you urinate, that could be a bladder infection and will require medical treatment.
Are you getting adequate sleep? Are you so exhausted when you go to bed that you could sleep through anything? Are you taking medication to help you sleep?
If any of these things are a yes, you may want to cut down on your fluid intake four hours earlier bed. The need to urinate should waken you up to that time the pressure is so intense that it is painful, so look at your fluid intake and sleep pattern to help near the painful pressure problem.
Take guardianship!
yes it does for me

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